
Balloonists is a KS2 class consisting of nine students. Balloonists is a vibrant, lively class where the curriculum is taught through topics, based on the Cornerstones curriculum, to meet each child’s individual needs. It is taught in a creative, engaging way to capture the children’s attention and help them connect their skills and understanding throughout the different aspects of their life. The students are taught skills to help them become more independent.


The class has 1 teacher, and 3 specialist support assistants to attend to the varying needs of the individual students. We use a range of communication method to ensure that all children can communicate. These include, PECs, Makaton, assisted language boards and augmented language aids such as switches.  The children follow an individual learning plan and are assessed using these in conjunction with our whole school assessment tool.


The children take part in a range of lessons. They are grouped for phonics, where we follow an adapted version of Read, Write, inc, we have focused learning taking place in a variety of situations, whole class, group and 1:1. The children are also given times where they can practice the skills they have learnt throughout the topic by accessing a range of activities. The children also have drama and art lessons, delivered in a specially equipped creative arts studio. They also have access to enrichment activities such as Forest Schools, Swimming and Rebound, which take place on termly rotation.