
Trailblazers class is a Key Stage 4 class where each child is seen as an individual within the classroom and staff strive to ensure their needs are met in a child-centred way. Using the Cornerstones Curriculum, they adopt a topic-based approach, which enables cross-curricular learning throughout curriculum subjects.  By developing individual targets for each child, staff are able to focus teaching to help all pupils achieve and develop at a pace which is appropriate for them. 


Trailblazers has close links with Globetrotters, our 6th form college, sharing termly topics and joining together for lots of activities to help facilitate a smooth transition for year 11 students.


Trailblazers Class use a range of methods to communicate, including speech, Makaton signing, PECs, electronic speech aids, Aided Language Boards and objects of reference. By providing children with a variety of ways to express themselves, everyone is given support to find their voice. 


Trailblazers’ classroom is set up to encourage as much independence as possible. Each student has their own tray, in which they are responsible for keeping their books and retrieving them for each lesson. There are also a variety of resources accessible to the students at all times, providing them with choice on which items they feel are most beneficial to their learning. The classroom also includes a book corner and outside area for children to enjoy. 


Many of Trailblazers’ lessons include multi-sensory aspects such as musical elements, messy play and sensory stories. Including these aspects within our curriculum means that learning is accessible to all, exciting and exploratory in nature.